Saturday, October 22, 2016

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Disclosure Movement

"Each one of us is the Disclosure Movement. 
We don't need an organization to speak on our behalf."
--James Bartley

You, dear reader, are "the movement." Stop waiting for it. Stand in your truth. Be it. 

If you really think the Military Industrial ET Complex is just suddenly going to come clean and tell you "everything," then for whatever your reasons, you are choosing to entertain a rather naive, delusional sense of entitlement, and that's fine.  That's your choice.  Maybe that's always been your coping strategy in life, the way you get through the hard times.  Maybe it's been consoling to you to have faith that some ultimate authority figure, out there somewhere, is going to validate you, make you feel safe, loved, appreciated.  You've been programmed well by your patriarchal society.

Be advised though, that it's unlikely that approach will work here.  It seems the human and non-human powers that be feel anything but love for you, for me.  And it seems the only thing they're truly interested in validating is our continued slavery to them.  Sure, we could expect them to put on a "ETs Landing on the White House Lawn" puppet show for the masses, when the time is right for it.  We could expect that display to be chock full of nice promises about all the nice things they'll do for all us nice people.  I'm sure it'll all be quite ...nice.

And I'm even more sure it would be yet another convincing psy-op to keep the dumb dumber, yet another set up that installs yet another new & improved control system on this planet.

Don't let them control the narrative for you.  Think for yourself!


But, if it's Disclosure you absolutely must have, then by all means you'll get what you want.

As food for thought, here's a nice, predictive-programming enactment of what that might look like
(they always tell you what they'll do before they do it, so you can't say you weren't warned): 


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