I stumbled upon this at http://bygraceofnaz.weebly.com/. I don't know who this person is, but I would say, based on some of my experiences as I've documented over the years, she has a very good grasp on this subject, and I believe her testimony to be real.

All Milabs are cloned. Your family, friends, neighbors may have met your clone or you may even have seen him/her yourself.
All Milabs undergo extreme military harassment - gangstalking, noise harassment, black helicopter harassment, home break-ins etc. designed to frighten/threaten us into silence about our abductions.
Smear Campaigns
We're usually subjected to smear campaigns on our character to discredit us and keep us isolated and without any support system in order to more easily facilitate our abductions. Law enforcement may be involved in carrying out these smear campaigns, posing under the pretense of "investigating" you for fictional "criminal activity". In my own case, law enforcement went to the preposterous extreme of telling my friends and neighbors that I was a WITCH!
Inability to Hold a Job
As a ranking military official said to me "You'll never work again. You're a government asset. You belong to us now."
Physical, Face-to-face, Conscious Contact with ET's
We've had actual conscious contact with several races of ET's, both benevolent and malevolent. Some of us read alien script and understand alien languages, have memories of traveling the cosmos and being on other planets and in off-world bases. We may also have conscious awareness of black ops missions the military sent us on involving ET contact and dimensional travel. We may have conscious knowledge/recall of ET technology as well.
Super Soldiers
We may have conscious recall of being trained to be a Super Soldier. DUMB's We've seen things other abductees haven't, like the DUMB's, cryo tubes containing human beings, human clones, secret military aircraft, mind reading centers, etc.
We've all been injected with the Mycoplasma Incognitus engineered biowarfare agent and are ill and/or disabled as a result. Most of us suffer from autoimmune disorders.
Extreme Fear of Doctors and/or Medical Procedures
Most of us won't seek medical help because we've been traumatized by what military doctors have done to us. It's also not at all uncommon for us to have a fear of needles, dentist chairs (trip seat experiences), etc.
Rape/Gang Rape
Many of us have memories of being raped, gang raped and/or being forced to have sex with other Milabs.
Most of us know our whereabouts are constantly tracked.
Abduction marks/Drugging
We've all 'woken up' with them - cut marks, scoop marks, Drac scratches, bruises, rashes, etc. from our alien abductions. But in addition, we will also usually exhibit needle puncture marks after our military abductions and a feeling of having been drugged.
The vast majority of us have PTSD from our abduction experiences.
Black Ops Memories
Some of us have partial or total recall of being sent to conduct black ops missions. Our periods of missing time are generally longer than those of alien abductees due to being sent on these sometimes extended black ops missions.
Source: http://bygraceofnaz.weebly.com/
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