Monday, October 10, 2016

That Thing That I Do #3: Seeing Past Lives

Now here I go again, I see ...a crystal vision.  But I keep my visions to myself.

In a post I made on this blog this past August, Anya Briggs described how sometimes when she's been doing her DNA activations lately, a person's past life information will kind of stand out in the person's energy field.  She makes this kind of sweeping gesture with her hand from the third eye area of her head as she said this, which I don't think she even realized she did, and which I thought was an interesting gesture.  I totally get what she meant.

Her discussing this reminded me of my own ability to see past lives.  I used to share this information with people.  But, it gets frustrating, due to all the expectations people have about what their past lives should look like.  So, at this point in time, I absolutely hate seeing mine and others' past lives.  The last few years, I have tried hard to tamp this ability down in my being, shut it off, as it were.

If someone told me he were doing that, I'd tell him not to do it, but rather, just be himself, let it happen.  Yet, that hasn't been my approach with this in my own life, quite the contrary.  I would like to say I'm trying to integrate it, to be OK with it, to be comfortable in my skin with it.  But, I 'm just not there yet.  I've just never been comfortable with this ability.  I would rather see dead people (which I do), than see past lives.


Anyway, I have found that the images of our past are perceptible to my mind holographically depending on what our souls deem to be the most salient of our experiences, the most memorable things, the most meaningful.  That's what I will see.  Salient doesn't mean bad experiences, nor good, just whatever was the most  meaningful, for whatever reason.

The experiences in a certain incarnation will leave an indelible mark in a person's spirit, and we will carry the energy of it lifetime after lifetime, stuck in our souls like lint on a sweater.  We could let go of this energy package by letting go of our attachment to it.  This is why the Buddhists and the yogis exhort people not to form mental/emotional attachments to things.

This information that is always with us is perceived holographically by people like me, and probably Anya too (but I have not asked her personally, so I don't know for sure --each person experiences thing differently).  I will see, smell, hear, and feel many things at once related to some salient incident you've had in a past life, though the present version of you obviously wouldn't remember it happening.

It's interesting to note that small children around 3 or 4 sometimes do have amazingly clear recall of salient experiences their souls have had.  They are able to name people, places, events, much of which could be researched and confirmed (Dr. Ian Stevenson has done this work).  This reminds me of what people have called, "body memory," where your body "remembers" throughout your life abuse that happened when you were a baby or toddler.  But, your mind has no recollection of it.  Often, children lose most, if not all, their past life recall by 9 or 10, though some part of them never forget, ever.

As you might imagine, this ability has lead me to see a wide variety of things about a wide variety of people, including me.  Sometimes, though, it is just TMI.  Most of the time it is.  I would rather just shut the ability down, really, so I do.


People miss out on the value of past life readings, the unique, potentially life-changing messages they bring, because it's too hard for them to escape the narrow boxes in which they've allowed their minds to get stuck.  Past life info is their own soul's love letter to them.  It is the wisdom of their own life experiences trying to communicate to them, too often a wasted effort.

People like me are just messengers, facilitators, not originators of the messages' contents.  Part of why I don't like sharing what I see is the ignorance I encounter that is difficult if not impossible to navigate.  For instance, a lot goes into why we've chosen to be how we are in past lives, and in the current lifetime, too much to describe here.  That's not the important part, but people get too wrapped up worrying about it, and miss the point of the message.

The following are a few of what are, in  my opinion, misconceptions I've noticed people have about  past lives, that tend to distract them from the messages they need to understand for their souls' growth.

1. The Past Life Person Must Look Identical to the Current Life Person 

I've seen people scoff at someone's past life claims saying, "You don't look anything like that person, so you couldn't have been that person in a past life!"  Where do people get this "fact" from, people who often don't even really believe in past life phenomena to begin with?   What never ceases to amaze me is how people like this suddenly just know all the "rules" of a thing, how it all goes down, despite never having studied the topic neither intellectually, nor experientially.

They just know the rules because, I don't know, that's how it was portrayed in a movie they'd seen, so they assume that's how things must be.  In fact, the soul could incarnate as a dog if it wanted to, or a being of an "alien race" of some sort, or as its own grandchild (which happens more than one might think!) doesn't matter.  These are just outer shells.

There isn't some dopey "rule" to how the soul must come back, how it must look.  Most people are not going to have an image of their past life self, anyway, so when and how did that start being a  requirement, or "proof"?  Does it mean they never had past lives because they can't prove it with pics?  See how useless this "must look identical" argument gets?   Who made this rule, and more importantly, why do people keep robotically following it?  They don't question it; it is "just so."

The other day, I watched a YouTube video of this guy doing a PowerPoint presentation about past lives.  I think he did OK, until he did that side by side photographs thing and went on this diabtribe about how much the current life child "looks like" his purported past life self.


I guess if the child had been of a different race or sex, or the same of both but just looked physically different, that would be "evidence" that the child was lying, and it couldn't be the child's past life.  But no, here's this grown a** man, misguiding an audience with his ignorance on this aspect of past lives, thereby creating another 50 misinformed people, who will each go home and "enlighten" another 20 of their friends when they share what they "learned" at this workshop...and so the ignorance is passed on.  Oy.

Having said all this however, I must say there really are rare instances where people just happen to be well-known characters from the past, and visual documentation of the past life person does happen to exist.  I think David Wilcock is an example of this, and that he really was Edward Cayce in an immediate past life.  I'm not into astrology. but I did find the similarities of their two charts quite striking.  David and Edgar's lives have been wrought with uncanny synchronicities, and this is only one of them.   But this is, like I said, an extremely rare case.

I just don't know how to sort these wonderful things out with the know-it-alls I've encountered embracing their staid, preconceived rules and regulations, other than to just not discuss it with them in the first place, pearls before swine, and all that.  That's the route I've found most effective, and the route I tend to take.  People put up walls of ignorance that are too tiring to attempt to scale.

2. The Past Life Person Must Be of the Same Sex and Gender Identity

Anyway, another misconception, as I mentioned above, is that if you're a certain sex and gender in this lifetime, you must have been that exact same sex and gender in your past life or lives, too.  You're supposed to come back as a little mini-me of who you were before, right?  Again, this rigid thinking I have found to be quite incorrect, both for men and for women.

In our societies we assign so much meaning to sex and gender identity, it just gets psychotic and ridiculous.  It is a politically, socially, morally charged subject.  People kill other people over this topic.  So many schemas are piled upon our thoughts about sex and gender, that we project them and overlay them onto totally unrelated things.

But the soul doesn't care about this crap, as we do.  It comes back how it believes it needs to come back, in whatever state of being it needs.  I've had males get indignant when I told them about a female past life, as though I am intimating that today they're gay or something  (and we wouldn't want that, omigod no! ...homophobic much?).

People tend to project their current life values onto how they believe the past life person should be, and miss entirely the lesson(s) presented by that lifetime, the whole purpose of past life information.  Learning about one's past life should not be for sensationalistic purposes, but should be viewed as a teaching tool for spiritual growth and self-awareness.

A case in point...

3. The Past Life Person Must Be in Accordance with the Moral Values of the Current Life Person

This is less of a misconception and more of a "disappointment," than anything else.  People get upset when their souls were involved in things in a past life that the soul is against in this life.  Here is an example of that:

I knew one guy who I clearly saw had been a Buddhist monk for many lifetimes, which he had already known before I pointed it out to him.  But I also saw that during the World War II era, he became a Nazi assassin, a very good one, in fact.  In the current life he is reliving his Buddhist meditational life, what his soul knows best and feels most comfortable with.  However, he finds there are all these souls in this lifetime that he somehow feels obligated to, as though he's making amends to them for something.  This had always puzzled him.  Also, he had visited Europe and said that when his foot touched German soil, it felt chillingly familiar.  "I knew I'd been there before, I just knew it," he told me.

He suffered a great deal of cognitive dissonance concerning the idea of having been a Nazi in his past life.   The seeming confirmations were there, but it did not match his current perceptions of himself.   "But, it's against everything I believe in," he protested.  "I don't get how a switch like that is even possible."  Yet, it made perfect sense to me.  I saw clairvoyantly that in his first few lifetimes as a monk he started out very sincere, very loving.  Lifetime after lifetime he kept coming back to this lifestyle.  He had stunted his own growth by not trying new things, not exploring.  He wasn't growing any more spiritually.  It had become too comfortable for him, too safe.

He was bored and had begun intellectualizing the loving message of the Buddha.  He was no longer operating from a heart center, but was all in his head with this.  Buddhism had become a matter of following strict rules and regulations.  And while he excelled at living this lifestyle, took it very seriously (perhaps too much so), as with any religious group there were many who didn't, and this greatly angered him.  Behind the pretext of purity there was elicit sex and other offenses the monks did which opposed the very rules they swore to uphold.

He grew more and more conspiratorial in his nature, eyeing people, judging them, endeavoring to control them.  His spirit had already become an archetypal Nazi long before he had incarnated into the German lifetime.  As a monk he wanted only "purity" in the monastery at all costs.  He wanted to rid it of inferior beings not worthy to be there, not worthy of being alive, really, if they could not uphold the golden teaching of the Buddha.  I know this sounds convoluted, but like I said, the soul's logic is not society's logic.  It has its own experiential logic.

It's understandable, then, how the vibrations of Germany's fascist Nazism would be the perfect outlet in which to exercise the the contempt he felt for others who couldn't conform to the stringent standards to which he could conform, who didn't play by the rules as he could.  As an assassin, his targets were not of the Allied forces, but were other Nazis whom his superiors deemed were not up to par.  With pleasure, he took them out in a myriad of clever ways.  He didn't aspire to being a Nazi  really, he just liked doing the work.  He felt he was making the world a better place.

Will this soul ever take the time, in this or a future life, to learn how to love, rather than control, others?  Will these soul stories help him get out of his head, and get back into his heart center?  These issues are for him to work out, not for us to postulate.  I only present his case here as an anecdote.  We must each mind our own paths.


It's common with lifetimes that we make these huge swings of the pendulum as this man had, going from one lifestyle, to its seeming opposite, and back again many times.  It just happens that way.  Sometimes, we manage to find a middle ground, but it may take many lifetimes before we accept it, and even more lifetimes before we successfully integrate it.  For whatever reasons, that only our souls know, we choose the paths that we choose.  The more we accept this about ourselves and integrate it, the better off we'll be.  It's not the details of who were that matters; it's the message that counts.

I have tried to integrate this ability to read past lives into my current life.  I would think I didn't come into this life with the ability for nothing.  But too many mine fields people have created within their egos blow up whenever I share what I see and it doesn't match what they would prefer to hear.  I find it a frustrating waste of time.  I do admire people like Anya who have the patience to do that work.  I know I'm just not one of those people.

Thank you for reading.

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