Sunday, July 23, 2017

Ode to Derek, and Ode to Allain's Father, the General

Thank you for standing up to the Agenda and trying to do the right thing.  Your courage will be remembered always.  And thank you, Eva, for bringing their stories to the public's awareness.  Had you not done that, no one would know, no one would grieve for them, which would not be right.  So, thank you.

[Note: it is most poignant, in my opinion, to play both videos simultaneously (you may have to restart the TAPS video, since it is shorter).  For some reason, the sound of the artillery firing with the bugle playing in the background just evokes such a terribly sad sense of loss, which is the goal of my post here --good people died trying to do the right thing! That means something!  And this is the least I could do]