Sunday, September 25, 2016

That Thing That YOU Do: Living the Ten-sensory Life, and Beyond

Lumping the various psionic abilities humans
have into one "sense" is the stuff of Hollywood
but does nothing to advance an understanding of
who we really are, what we are able to do.  "They"
like to keep such information occulted in secret
societies and military black projects, keep the 
masses ignorant.  Movies like this make that so.
Some people say we have five senses, the usual ones, you know what they are.

Others say we have six senses, adding psionic ability, or extra-sensory perception, to the five "normal" senses.  In this description, however, one kind of psionic ability is not distinguished from another.  They're just all lumped together as one.

I say we have ten senses total, or more.  Each physical sense has a psionic correlate.  For instance, the sense of sight correlates with clairvoyance, smell with clairolfaction, hearing with clairaudience, and so on.  Five physical senses, five psionic senses, makes ten senses altogether.

But wait, there's more...

Other abilities, like mediumship, don't really have a physical correlate.  Add to the fun, as Joseph Sekavec and Erol Asya explained in the Nate Grey interviews, for various reasons, depending on the individual circumstances, people could even have additional subtle bodies added to the one(s) with which we're born.  These additional subtle bodies might bring with them a host of additional abilities such as shape-shifting, kinetics (tele-, pyro-, etc.), command of the elements, and others.

With all this super soldier stuff hitting the airwaves, some might think they're not special, that there's nothing they do that sets them apart.  But that's not true.  Everybody's got a thing they do, maybe several.  You may not know what that is yet, but it will manifest later.  And like me, there may be things you do now that don't seem special but later you read something somewhere and realize everybody doesn't just do that.  That's kind of what I've been going through the last few years.  In the last few posts, I'm just realizing what some of the things I do are.

Everybody has some form or another of psi ability. It is just in our DNA.  It's normal.  For instance, if you always seem to guess who's going to be calling on the phone before they actually call, even kind of know what they're going to talk about to some degree, you have some precognitive ability.  Yeah, the ability may not be to the extent that you are guessing when and where earthquakes are going to occur, still, you have the ability, just on a smaller scale than others who might be stronger in that area.  We see variety in the mundane world, as well.   Some people are really good in athletics, some aren't.  Some people can sing very well, some can't.  Some people are proficient in math, while others aren't. The same applies to psi ability.

To learn what your stronger clair- abilities are, first acquire a working vocabulary and general knowledge of all the different types (so you won't be like me, making up terms like "zooming in" because you lacked a vocabulary for what you do, lol).  Then journal about seemingly odd experiences in your life.  Just write about them, no matter how absurd.  Before long, patterns will emerge, and you will discover what you really do, who you really are.  

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