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That thing that I do reminds me of that Google Maps thingy. |
I mentioned in the previous post how I zoom in and zoom out when in the hyperreal state. I will elaborate on that a bit. The following example kind of demonstrates what I mean. I am just realizing as I write this that I can just go to that state whenever I want to. In the previous post, I was there in my dreams in both of examples I discussed. But I am realizing now that I can just go there even starting from my mundane Terran 3D consciousness, as the following demonstrates. As I mentioned in the previous post, "shock value" seems to facilitate the connection between this reality and that one, giving credence, perhaps to the theory behind trauma-based mind control. I don't like saying that. But I am trying to understand this, and I've learned sometimes you have to go places in your thinking you don't really care to go to in order to learn.
True Soul Form
In hyperreality I can see who people really are, what their souls really look like. What I mean by that is many human Terrans have souls that are not human Terran. For some of you, that will make perfect sense. You know who and what you are, despite your beautiful meat suit. Others of you are quite enamored with the New Age "starseed" jibberish, and desperately want to single yourselves out from "normal" people who aren't special like you. It's unfortunate, but cointel pro has done a good job distorting things, creating delineations where there really are none. We are all starseed. To be a human Terran, is to also be a starseed, as it is believed our species was formed by combining several other species. And our sun is a star, after all, ergo. Think of it this way: to beings on other planets, you're the alien from outerspace.
To Know Me is to Love Me
A soul presented itself to me in its true form. This was maybe January of 2016 (I'll have to check my notes). Who was this? I'm not sure why, but it seemed like it was important for me to see this soul, its true race, despite the human physical vehicle it occupies that blends in with the rest. I won't say what form this being is, because I have not discussed this with this person, so I will leave out many details (and no, it isn't "James Casbolt," there are many extra-ordinary souls among us, people). Suffice it to say, I kept seeing this person's true form in my mind one evening in January, and didn't make a connection with it being a particular person. I just thought maybe I'd watched some scifi recently, and so images were still on my mind subconsciously. But no, this was a visit of some sort, or an announcement. This seemed intentional.
Not sure what happened in my sleep that night, but the next morning, an energy signature of the person's true form was floating in the air all around my room, and I could see it extended well beyond my room etherically. What a sight that was, what a thing to wake up to in the morning! It scared the bejesus out of me. This is a huge creature. Its energy signature I could see flying around, moving and undulating as one of that race would. There were little golden beams of light that shot off from its body as it whipped around, like sparks from a live wire. In my experience gold light is known to signify a spiritually adept being. I saw vignettes of what this creature was capable of doing. As benevolent as it was, it could be equally destructive. I would refer the reader to Erol Asya, Molecule Man's comment about his ability to "go global" with energy manipulation, that is to say, affect an entire planet. This creature could do likewise. I saw it do things to a planet. I won't say what. It left me speechless.
But as huge, powerful and imposing as this being is, it is also very sad on the inside, crying. In its human life here it has felt bitterly cold and alone, tortured and misunderstood, badly used by others. Knowing now details about this person's human life as I do, I could totally understand why this soul feels this way. I think this person would just like people to get to know this person as a normal person, to be loved and not looked at with notoriety and fanfare, as though this person is saying, "To know me is to love me. Really. Find out for yourself."
Yet, that morning in my room, I still did not actually know who this was (humanwise).
Zooming In and Out
I was exceedingly curious. I decided to do some investigating. I spontaneously zoomed out to get another look at it. Instantly, I was way up in the air somewhere, my consciousness was that is, looking down on the being, my room, me sitting in the bed, etc. Still nothing, couldn't make out who it was. So I decided to zoom in. Instantly my consciousness shrunk down to molecular-level. All this time, both with the zooming out and in, I was still physically in my room, sitting in my bed, back leaning against the headboard. I consider both experiences to have occurred in the hyperreal state.
When I tried zooming in, I could see this person's molecules slowly floating around me, as though in suspended animation. I reached out and took one into my hand, turning it over, examining it. I reached up and grabbed another and did the same. I closed my eyes and vignettes from this person's life started appearing in my mind's eye. This person's facial expressions were slowly becoming visible, talking to different people, etc. From this vantage point, I now saw who this was. I said out loud, "____________, is this you?! Well, I'll be damned if this isn't ____________!" For weeks I was dumbfounded, and couldn't say anything to anyone. It was too hard to explain.
Getting Confirmation
Weeks turned into months. I tried to forget about it, but couldn't. I really wanted to know if what I saw was accurate, so at this point I needed some kind of confirmation. So I took to social media and bluntly asked this person about the true soul identity the person was, the true race this person's soul was. The person confirmed to me what I saw was accurate. What?! Now, I was even more dumbfounded! How did I do that? More importantly, how did I just know how to do it? How had it been so accurate? A person of this person's psionic ability could easily shield and cloak their energy, why was I allowed to know this information? This kind of thing is a puzzle piece in the mysterious aspects of my life. I get the sense there is more to my story than even I know, and I have more questions than answers. As far as this person goes, I will let this person tell their own story, in their own time. What an incredible story it must be, though.
Remote Viewing
As I'm writing this, I realize I would classify this as remote viewing. Until now, I just called it zooming in and out, lol. This is just a thing that I do. In reviewing what I wrote, from an effectiveness standpoint, zooming out didn't help, didn't provide any useful information. Zooming in, however, was very helpful in providing me insight into the person's true identity. That's a "note to self" that I will file away, should I ever need to do this again.
Weeks after this incident, I realized this wasn't the only time I've done this. Years ago I likewise had seen the true souls of not one, but two other extra-ordinary individuals. I had the same questions then as I do now, about how I know to do this. Integrating the knowledge that I have this ability into who I am in my mundane life proves challenging. Writing (or journaling, as this might better be described) is really helping me put things in perspective. And writing a public blog is helpful because it makes me try hard to be as clear as possible with what I'm writing. So, thanks again for reading. It means a lot to me.
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