Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Censored Post: We Must Be Onto Something Here

Interesting.  The post I just made minutes ago about my response to Frater Oculus (see post directly beneath this one), was instantly removed!

The text is still visible on my Blogger edit screen though, it's just not visible on this webpage any more.  It was published here, briefly.  I saw it, and some of you may have seen it when it first  showed on your Google Plus feed.  Now it's gone, ffffftt.  This is some serious government hacker sh**, lol, like out of a movie.  Anyway, I had the knee-jerk reaction of just cutting and pasting the text in the comment section directly below the now-empty post, if that makes any sense.

So, where it says, "3 comments," click that, and you could still read my (apparently now "contraband") text, unless that gets removed, too, lol.  I have a feeling it won't, that "they" just didn't want the text on the main screen because then it will get crawled by the bots, and there would be citations and links to it all over the internet, and we wouldn't want that. ;)   I think I triggered certain no-no words.  That's my guess, anyway.

So, to recap,


then tu, Blogger?

Fun never ends, folks.  Question is, what in tarnation am I writing that's so earthshatteringly important, that I get censored frequently like this?  I don't even know...and I'm the one writing it! ha  So, this makes, what, three social media platforms in which I've been censored...first YouTube, then Facebook, now Blogger?  Well, it's all DARPA-Google any way, not surprising.

Welp, that was my fun for the day.  And how's your day going?

P.S.: Oh, what the heck.  Let's do an experiment.  If what I wrote in response meets with your approval, please WIDELY DISTRIBUTE THE CENSORED TEXT.  Whenever they don't want us to see something, that means everybody needs to see it.  So, please repost it on your social media, tape it to bathroom stalls, tie it to a homing pidgeon's leg, haha, whatever.  Get the word out.  Let's see what happens, "pen mighter than the sword" and all that.  Thanks.


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