Saturday, August 12, 2017

Witches, or People with Abilities?

This is a Facebook comment:

Yes.  Please don't accidentally make your show about a witch hunt, Joanna.  Many people who are "in the programs" have psi abilities, and may even have one or more "witch alters" installed as a means for Agenda beings to extract their soul powers to use in nefarious ways.  Throughout history Christians have feared people with psi abilities, and labeled them with pejorative terms like "witches," etc.  Let us not take up their old agenda anew, and attack our own.

Techniques like the so-called Law of Attraction that was accepted by the mainstream are no more than upcycled manifestation techniques which have been known to humanity for ages, called different things by different people at different times, and not very different than what so-called witches do!  So, for that matter all humans are witches then, because all human Terrans have the potential to manifest written in our DNA, part of our star heritage, inherited from our tumultuous cousins out there.  And for that matter Jesus must have been a witch, having precognitive ability, telepathy, mediumship, healing ability, defying physics at will,  etc.

I try to encourage people to embrace their abilities.  That's what I was trying to get across in posts like these on my blog (and reading back over my old stuff encourages me too, 'cause sometimes I need encouragement because I feel like a freak at times):

Labels are meaningless, really.

I personally have met a couple Wiccans who are some of the sweetest people I know.  One is a caring nurse who came to me for help with bad people at work.  She could have cursed or otherwise psychically attacked them, but didn't.  Her nature is to nurture, not harm.  The other witch is an ordained high priestess, trying to escape a domestic violence relationship.  Her aquaintences are like, "Dude, you're a witch, handle that bastard...just curse him!"  But she would never think to do that, no matter what he does to her.

She is using a lawyer, and getting regular counseling to help herself.  She has helped many people.  As an ordained priestess, she has married people, provided spiritual counseling, done spells for sick people, made herbal remedies to heal them.  She has conducted spiritual ceremonies that deeply moved me, and I'm not even a Wiccan.  She is a role model of being a decent person, regardless of what a person's religion might be or not be.

At the same time I have seen "white lighters" who were in truth petty, two-faced, egomaniacal, selfish and self-centered assholes.  Yet, they make all the New Age circles, know the latest spiritual catch words, have awesome crystal collections, lol.  I knew a smiling, benevolent-seeming Buddhist leader who was in reality a vindictive skirt chaser behind the scenes.  So, I get your point about the "white witches," Pete Svzvki, who will throw their "an it harm none" niceness right out the window the minute you piss them off, haha.

So Joanna, I hope the show will more be aimed at dealing with people in general who are destructive and harmful to others, regardless whether they're witches or not.  Sometimes a strongly-held intention, by a non-witch, can have the same or more effect than a spell.  A thought can be a spell, and effect changes in the environment.  I have seen people who have nothing to do with witchcraft manipulate situations and throw so much bad energy at others that they make the blackest of witches seem like harmless dabblers, no joke.  lol

Take care.  :)

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