
I’ll give you an example…
1. Illegal Immigrants
The U.S. Coast Guard does a lot of immigration interdiction, and they work with the INS on this. So let’s say that there is someone coming into the country illegally. And after the intel has been done, they fit the bill for someone who could be used later (and I could talk about this more, who exactly gets targeted for military abductions, but...), if it served us, we could have the regular Coast Guard intercept them, detain them, bring them onshore to INS agents which weren’t really INS agents, and these illegal immigrants would be bussed off.
But, they didn’t go to an INS holding facility, and more than likely they weren’t shipped back to their home country. They were taken elsewhere…for other things.
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The author of The Heather Material is
believed to be a high-security clear- ance scientist who worked in DUMBs and whistle blew on the genetics pro- grams done there. Click here to read the document attributed to this writer: http://projectcamelot.org/billsheather1.pdf |
There are several reasons why [other kinds of] military abductions happen, and I’ll explain that now. One reason is if you have someone, and let’s say it’s someone working in the projects, say a remote viewer or some kind of super soldier, someone who has been trained, specialized for a certain task, and for some reason, you could say the programming malfunctions and they defect, they run away, they escape. Or you have maybe an engineer, scientist, whatever, [who] has decided they don’t want to be a part of it any more. They know they can’t just walk out the front gates, so they escape.
[Then, one of two] things will happen there. Depending on who they are, what they know, they may just be killed. They’d send down a team, we’d go, we would find them, and we would, um, kill them. They’d be assassinated in some way or form to make it look like it was an accident, suicide, whatever.
But, going back to the military abductions, one of the teams that I was with, if one of these people ran away, they defected, then we would be assigned to go get them and bring them back. So that’s [another] reason for military abductions.
On Tracking Children’s DNA for Eventual Recruitment
Now, for the past 35-40 years, somewhere between [those numbers], EVERY CHILD that’s born in a hospital in the United States, a sample of their DNA is taken. That DNA mapping is then sent to several places. One of the places it's sent to is a “special interest location” that is ran by the NSA. The Shadow Government, people like me and others in the field that we’re in, we just label [these operations collectively] as “MK Ultra,” because MK Ultra was kind of like the grandfather of all [the] operations [actively employed on the public right] now…so I’ll refer to that for rest of the show, just because it’s easier for me to do that.
OK, “MK Ultra,” then, can access this DNA database, and [they] can actually, based on the DNA, and knowing who the parents are, they can almost do an exact, accurate “prediction,” if you will, on what [covert programs] this kid may be utilized for later on.
This is where the recruitment [process] takes place, but most of the time they just stick with [selecting people based on their] bloodline. If the grandfather was used in some way, and the father was used in some way, or the mother and the daughter, most likely generation after generation it’s pretty much a guaranteed thing. My family is a prime example of that.
3. Persons of Opportunity
Occasionally you have a child that was born at home or somewhere else, and they are off the radar. Well, let’s fast-forward. Now you have this child that may be five years old and some kind of anomaly occurs. You know, the kid’s in a candy store and has a temper tantrum and all the glass in the candy store breaks, shatters. Or, something happens with that child, that boy or that girl, and word gets out –this isn’t that common, but it does happen– and somehow gets back to MK Ultra. Now they’ve shown interest in this child. It may not even be a child. It could be someone much older. It could be someone in their 20s, in their 30s.
Now, because of their age, it’s already too late to “break them in,” but they could be “a person of opportunity.” And this did happen with me: I was in Boston, I received orders [about] a woman in New York who had slipped through the cracks, she was a psychic/remote viewer, and they wanted to use her as a person of opportunity for an operation we were doing in Boston. So we go, we get her, we bring her back, they use her for the purposes that they used her for, [her] memories are suppressed, and she is returned. So, that is a person of opportunity.
[Note: Aaron is referring here to Anya Briggs. She and Aaron discussed the abductions during a 2010 recorded interview on BlogTalk Radio, and the interview has since been removed entirely from the internet. In 2011, Anya and many others appeared at a White House Bioethics Commission hearing to protest their treatment and hopefully have their targeting and unwilling participation in these programs remediated, i.e., stopped. They were not successful, and the targeting continues to this day. Below is a video of some of their 2011 White House testimonies, with a link to the transcripts. Anya's transcript could be found here]
4. Info Mules
But there are two [types of persons] of opportunity. This isn’t a Manchurian candidate because a Manchurian candidate is actually a whole other thing. Then you have other people who are “info mules.” What that is is certain people who have been targeted for this –and if one person has been targeted for it, and it’s happened to them, then it usually reoccurs with that same person.
What this is is someone is taken through military abduction, through Operation Spyglass, and information is actually downloaded into their head. This can happen. Mind you, they are under almost a trance-like state. They are under severe, kind of a "shock treatment" of mind control. They go to a location, and then that information is extracted out. Why is this done? Well, with today’s technology if you give someone information in a thumb drive, or you have someone put something on an SD card, on a cell phone or whatever, there’s technology to intercept that information. However, if you download it into their head, it’s a much more secure way. So, that’s [how] an information mule [is] used.
This is not necessarily [done through] hypnosis, but it’s more [likely done] electronically. I can’t really explain the exact process because I wasn’t one of the operators or engineers. I was just "the go-to guy" –get ‘em, bring ‘em, take ‘em back, you know, and move onto the next task. They don’t know what hit ‘em. They usually wake up disoriented, eyes are fuzzy, they may be a little dehydrated, and usually they’re so confused that, you know, they think they either have a bad hangover, or their drink was spiked. Sometimes it’s so unusual that they don’t want to talk about it at all, and they suppress that.
5. Human Lab Rats
This one is a little bit more intense –I have to say that before I describe this, [so] this is my audience warning.
You have people that are taken to be used as, really, human lab rats, where they are taken to underground facilities [DUMBs] and they’re used to test out new drugs, biological weapons, any new technology that they want to test on humans. They won’t test these things on animals because, frankly, it won’t have the same results as the real thing. So humans are taken as lab rats, and they’re kept there indefinitely.

Then you have other humans, primarily children (again, this is why I had to warn your audience), that are taken for two things. One, you have children and younger people taken that are then put into the national and international sex slave projects for [purposes] more [having to do with] the elite…and other things.
7. Adrenochrome Harvesting
And then you have [children] who are taken for –and this is where it gets a little bit more, you could say controversial, but I’ve seen it myself, and others have spoken about this, as well. There is a biological chemical within the brain that is extracted when you invoke fear, and the easiest way for them to do this is through torture. Whether that’s psychological torture or physical torture, the results are the same. And what they’re physically extracting is known as adrenochrome. This adrenochrome is then used as a euphoric, biological drug that is used by beings not of this planet.
[Note: McCollum said the following paragraph at about 37min:30sec, but I inserted it here for cohension of subject matter]
This isn’t second-hand information. This [adrenochrome extraction/use] is something I did see. At one of the facilities I was at, I definitely did see this. This was at a facility at Vancouver, British Columbia, which was a major outpost, one of my main outposts for doing milabs around the Pacific Rim. And yes, I did witness it there. And again, this is where it gets a little more controversial, you could say, but I did witness this. And I know it in my heart and soul, so I’m not afraid to say: it’s not necessarily the humans that are “getting off,” you could say, on the adrenochrome.

Also compare with this excerpt from Fritz Springmeier's and Cisco Wheeler's book, DEEPER INSIGHTS INTO THE ILLUMINATI FORMULA:
ADRENALCHROME (Adrenal Chromaffin)
This naturally occurring yellowish brown drug was not mentioned in the Vol. 2 book, although it was mentioned in this author’s newsletters in ’93 and May ’95 The drug is obtained by sacrificing a terrified person, perhaps by plunging the athame into them, and then taking a hypodermic needle and extracting the adrenalchrome from the base of the neck in the pineal gland. A sacrificed person only yields about 10 c.c. so the drug is not only very secret on the black market but very expensive. A Scientific American article by Carmichael and Winkler is the best thing that I have discovered on the adrenalchrome. The Max Planck Institute in Germany did research into Adrenalchrome.
Dirty law-enforcement officials and others have worked to keep the existence of adrenalchrome a secret. It is not known if Adrenalchrome has ever been used for programming, but it is a popular secret drug of the elite Illuminati kingpins. For many years, they were not able to synthetically produce the drug, and had to rely on human sacrifices as their source. It is possible that in the last year or so, that some method to synthesize the drug may have been found. Chromaffin cells secrete adrenaline, noradrenaline and other substances into the bloodstream which exert a great deal of control over tissue, and organs.
8. Spare Parts
And then the last [reason for abductions, an activity] which has pretty much stopped now (it’s almost really done away with, because there’s really no need for it, but…) humans being taken for spare parts, whether it is a lung, an arm, an eye, whatever. So, those are the main reasons for military abductions. Now of course, there could be other reasons involved, [such as] taking someone that maybe is a political figure of another country, and wanting to get information out of [him or her]. But those are the main reasons for military abductions within the United States, and internationally, under Spyglass.
[Note, compare with similar "spare parts"-related testimony by Barry King in 1995:
“The program diverted some years ago to a very sinister side when they were using spare parts from humans. They were abducting people, a lot of these people never saw the light of day, again. They were used as spare parts, very like the film, Coma. In fact, that’s sort of ‘regional hospital policy,’ where they’d get taken to a certain operating theater, and that’s the ‘termination room.’ Well, think of that literally, and that is what happens at Harwell [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYeolfsBZKg] and Peasemore [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SN260kQTe0]. Various individuals are abducted, taken there, they never come out again. Again they’re used as nice, [?] specimens. In the beginning it was just a random thing. Anyone would do. I mean, obviously we could get a number of good spare parts from this person, all well and good. And then they started to get very fussy. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPgOHIuSdBA at 16mins:03sec]
The full audio interview between Aaron and Bernard is here:
(transcribed excerpt begins at approx. 22mins:30sec mark).
God help us all.
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