--Jiddhu Krishnamurti
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Here's an example of how to do that...
Frater Oculus
4 hours agoI must say Rudolph/Karl that willingly giving over my DNA for whatever purpose that could quite possibly result in being cloned or remotely suggested to, or god knows what, who will be willing to risk that? Anybody sending their DNA and giving permission to use it seems to be a bit naive perhaps?
Rudolf of Germany
4 hours ago
the other option is ignorance and slavery.
+Rudolf of Germany
Rudolf, allow me to put this in perspective for you from my side: so you're
going to seriously tell me that my two options in life are ignorance and
slavery, or sending my DNA to a member of the German royal family who channels
an entity claiming to be an alien from lightyears away and spiritually exposing
myself or making some type of agreement to then consent to unknown
modifications to my essential being that I have no understanding of the purpose
or nature of? Now if you were me, you would find it a bit far out
Frater Oculus
+Rudolf of Germany as a
person who has practiced the occult for many years, I am aware of these various
phenomenon of blue sparks and astral abductions and felt presences and all this
sort of thing, but i never kept going with it, because do I truly need to see
and practice these things to be less ignorant and enslaved? Does seeing unusual
phenomenon or having extra powers to exert make man less ignorant or enslaved,
considering he can split the atom, or instantly transport himself with the
power of the mind? Is man enslaved by his DNA or by his own free will? If a
person's IQ is raised to a genius level, does this make him a more free man, or
give an already ignorant man more faculties with which to become increasingly
Rudolf of Germany
4 hours ago
+Frater Oculus first of
all the period of sending in hair samples has ended. secondly, what of your
genetical composition would be so precious that a enhancement would be
counterproductive? also the ones who took part in this operation had sufficent
alien DNA to felt drawn and confident enough to be ready for a alignment of
this nature. that was taken care for beforehand.
Rudolf of Germany
3 hours ago
+Frater Oculus there is no free will as long as
death is the final power over a creature.
+Rudolf of Germany I understand, I'm just speaking hypothetically Rudolph. My point is simply how little the average person knows and how potentially dangerous giving away the DNA to the wrong source could be. That's a lot of trust to place in someone.
Frater Oculus
3 hours ago
+Rudolf of Germany I understand, I'm just speaking hypothetically Rudolph. My point is simply how little the average person knows and how potentially dangerous giving away the DNA to the wrong source could be. That's a lot of trust to place in someone.
Rudolf of Germany
3 hours ago
+Frater Oculus sorry but no endless discussions
possible. R.
3 hours ago
Frater Oculus
3 hours ago
+Rudolf of Germany ive
watched your videos but I still say, as good as the information is, it's kind
of hard for an alien to present his credentials and resume, you know what I
mean? And the depths of infinity are vast and at points potentially horrifying.
As you admit there are negative areas or entities, how do we know who is who? I
don't see any way to be absolutely sure or anything.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
+Frater Oculus i feel your frustration thru the
words you write....the awakening process can be frustrating...you will reach a
level to where you will trust your own heart....and you will know instead of
just wondering.
Frater Oculus
2 hours ago
+daveydomaster I don't want endless discussion, but as a student of the occult, DNA is often used to create an empathic link to those who will be attacked or drained, or to feed an entity attempting to increase its power and sway in this dimension by coming through a channel individual. So you can see the similarity, and everyone should be aware that their DNA is a potential gateway into themselves. I see this as a legitimate concern, I am following my heart on it
Amid a vast ocean of mindless gullibility, someone with presence of mind
enough to question what makes no sense. Eureka, I have found it!
enough to question what makes no sense. Eureka, I have found it!
I hope readers noticed that I had concluded my cut 'n' paste above with a couple comments from a different thread, where Rudolf seemed to acknowledge for whom he truly works. Did you catch that? Wasn't surprising at all, really.
Any way, good on you, Frater Oculus for JustSayingNoTo thinly-veiled plays like this one by this Rudolf of Germany character to commoditize humanity. You didn't fall for the "either/or" fear tactic he successfully uses on people who watch his YouTube channel. These "we're doing you a favor" individuals have been coming out of the woodwork lately!
See also "Peter the Insider" on James Rinks's channel, who just wants to "rent your brain" in exchange for disclosing your file information as well as ensuring all your personal problems will be miraculously solved for you in the next six months. Oh, and you have to drink mint tea every day too, lol. Man, this sh** is bananas, B - A - N - A - N - A - S. I wish I were making all this up, but I'm not. I just know there are intelligence agents out there laughing it up hard over this.
But seriously, what exactly have people really acquiesced to by giving their "permission" to the gene-grubbing, parasitic aliens for whom Peter and Rudolf work to both mind control them, and to have free and open access to their genetic material? Only time will tell, I'm afraid.
Btw, look who/what Rudolf openly admits he's working for:
Rick Truman
2 weeks ago
in nomine Dei nostri satanas Luciferi excelsil.666
Rudolf of Germany
2 weeks ago
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh_bvMD-FjE
I believe these characters, as well as the nonsense they bring, are only going to increase in the days to come, greatly increase. They're going to pitch this from a number of different angles, attempting to appeal to a number of different demographics. But, all will have the same goals in mind: a mass DNA grab, acquiring the trust of gullible people, mind control, and other goodies.
I hope people somehow get into the habit of questioning everything, like you did in your comments, Frater Oculus. Now's not the time to naively take things said to us at face value. Humanity, I think, needs to get out of the mistaken belief that someone --a god, an alien, a fellow human, is here to do it favors, just because. It doesn't work like that. Little children believe that line of reasoning, because they don't know any better. Adults too often do, as well. It is time for Childhood's End.
Thanks for reading.
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