Sunday, July 31, 2016

Raptor Spiritual Beliefs

"Hold steadfastly to the thought that all life is in a state of eternal flow."  –Raptor Prince Naga 

"Every sentient life form longs for and needs a conscious union with The Infinite.  This is as necessary to the nature and intellect of rational creatures as food is to the well-being of their natural bodies."   –Raptor Senator Mock-ga

"The dragon universe has always been the spiritual system of complete consciousness and entire wholeness, the sum total of which was present everywhere.  Every sentient being is both scientifically and inspirationally, spiritually and philosophically in accord with great institutions, the spiritual revelations of all the ages that has always announced that there is something over all, in all, through all, and is all.  There is a reality that constitutes everything that is, proclaiming everything, proclaiming itself as all things."

"And it is a gift to have life, to not only be a part of that greater reality, but to actually relate to it, see it, and grasp the glory of it all.  There is an Intelligence in everything, from the smallest atom to whatever one thinks of as big, and that Intelligence must of necessity respond to everything intelligently.  Then automatically one will have to assume that It could only respond to each sentient being at the level of our belief in, knowledge of, feeling about, acceptance and embodiment of an identification with It."

"Thus, each dragon was part of a great Universal Omnipresence, as was every other life form.  Dragons accept this omnipresence as something real, definite and immediate.  At the very center of each being, one can feel the Greater Presence.  At the center of every sentient consciousness, one can recognize the Transcendent Principle forever animating, sustaining, vitalizing, recreating, guiding, directing and inspiring.  There is within each thinking organism that which knows what to do, and impels you to act in accord with its perfect law and order."

"It is the greatest conviction that consciousness is the most wonderful gift the universe can bestow.  To be self-aware, to grasp the responsibility of presence and exercise all the expressions of dynamic creativeness, is part of the integrity and wonder of being alive and sentient.  To affirm the self, one only has to do something more with the gift of life than being the average rock."

–As reported by Captain Mark Richards: prince among dragons, political prisoner, son of the Dutchman.

Source: EDH Show #5

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