Saturday, October 1, 2016

YouTube Comment: JSNTLC to James Bartley

I think whole religions are built on this parasitic blueprint, as well as whole industries  (sports, motion picture, especially music).  It's amazing all the different approaches with which the loosh farmers attempt to attack and commoditize the population, how vigorously they try to harvest all the physical, emotional and mental energy they could.

In my opinion, we have choices...we could take this information and let it reinforce a view of ourselves as victims, let it beat us down, and become as Laura calls it, a planet full of "flat liners" (I'm seeing a lot of this in the "TI" and other parts of the "alternative community").

Or, we could view this phenomena as an inconvenient truth, but a truth nonetheless, and let it serve as a timely, eye-opening wake up call.  And I think we'd do well to answer this call if we are to continue to evolve spiritually, otherwise we will have as Laura and many others have been pointing out, an assimilated, robotoid kind of future.

Basically, if we don't grow a pair now, that's the kind of future we'd be setting up for our children and grandchildren.  People are great about setting things up for their kids in terms of their kids' material funds, willing houses and goods to them, etc.  That's good we do that.  But, it's equally, if not more so important to consider the energetic environment here we will leave them.  The material goods pale in comparison of importance, really.

To me personally our growing awareness of all this Matrix foolishness, as scary as it may feel to many, is a good thing really.  I view it as a much-needed "psychological slap" in the face.  Sometimes there isn't an easy, pleasant way to be deprogrammed from the heavy, multi-millenia, programming our souls have been subjected to here, lifetime after lifetime.

It is forcing us as a species to wake up, to grow up, and to take our energy very, very seriously, to finally take responsibility for it instead of handing this responsibility over to some god, or angels, or to a spouse, or the church pastor, or to drugs and alcohol, or to any of the other myriad of mind traps wherein we individually and collectively have allowed ourselves to be ensnared.

To me the very existence of the construct of the Matrix itself merely serves as a powerful confirmation attesting to how valuable, beautiful and precious our soul energies truly are.  :)

"They need us.  We don't need them."   Yes!  

Thank you, James.


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