Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Delphi Program

Interestingly, the following thread was removed from the comments section under the video,  after I cut and pasted it here.  Only the first post remains.  Also, when I did so, my internet service was immediately shut off.  It is back on now.
 --JSNTLC 4 Aug 2016

More interestingly, at some point after I made that notation above, the posts were replaced, and are there as of this date. 
 --JSNTLC 31 Aug 2016

"They Need Permission"

It's almost like they NEED permission from you when dealing with your mind. 
 They make things appear really calming to trick you into accepting their offer. 
 If you reject them you will immediately see their true identity and it is viscous 
and aggressive. I believe they are building some type of system around our 
planet to treat earth like a prison...some sort of spider web type wireless system.l..
I think this is a defense system against the 
good aliens, angels, and whatever
 other species that might try to help humanity.
--Donell Ellison


Al Lenore
1 day ago
I have seen this craft close up. It is a very extreme vehicle. It would take a UFO to battle it.

Ocean Eyes
1 day ago
I also have seen one up close. Too close for comfort I should say. It was memorizing but at the same time you are thinking wtf?  It was just hovering. No movement at all. Than all of a sudden it moved vertically so fast and came to a dead stop and continued to hover. It was pretty damn cool but scary at the same time.

23 hours ago
Where did you see it at?

Al Lenore
22 hours ago
No Sound, Floats, Fast, It has black sparkles all over it like a mirror.

18 hours ago
+Al Lenore
exactly.  it's like black glass. one took me while I was on my bike when I was a kid. put sum sort of magnetic thingy in my upper back towards my shoulder.  it used to cause me to have weird vibrations.  doc couldn't explain it.  even stranger is the fact when I was in the army 13f fort sill Oklahoma they where able to take it out without it moving away from their tools. looking back now I wonder if the one that picked me up was government made. my base also got red flagged for illegal practices.... there where talks of something called Delphi program. I woke up after sergury 3 months later and I was given honorable medical discharge. still haven't figured out wtf happened

White Eagle
14 hours ago
Don't know what the relation would be but Delphi was the ancient city of Oracles.    Oracles get their supernatural info from...elsewhere, and supposedly it also origionally included ancient communication technology.

MilkGames 4
10 hours ago
you were an experiment

Al Lenore
8 hours ago
I wrote a bunch of stuff but deleted it. Nobody here can help me or my family. The thin and the lights are very real. Seen the lights closeup also. They are like a cosmic military fire team. Seriously Dangerous to the ones they are looking for.

8 hours ago
+White Eagle​
I have dreams of what happened while I was unconscious sort of.. They took about 200 of us blindfolded to some sort of warehouse and put us all in separate cubicles where we couldn't see eachother. They would spray some type of spray into our nostrils which made us go into like a trance. While in this trance they asked us all 30 questions which where impossible for us to know.  Those who got them correct went to the next phase. They put us in a group of maybe 5 out of the 200. I gained a little consciousness and I ran for it. In the other warehouse or hanger I saw what looked like clones of everyone civilian and military.

I kept running when I got to the exit there where no guards or security so I was surprised but when I opened the door I was on a high cliff side where it was certain death so I put my hands up and they took me back inside to induce the trance again. Then they asked us all questions like where is Osama, where is Gaddafi,  what is my grandmother doing right now. After verifying we answered correctly they said we just put the U. S.  ahead of the world and they thanked us.  Then they backed our heads. They put us in a room, craft, or a car I'm not sure but when the door closed all the sound in the air was vaccumed out and our ears popped. I couldn't even hear the soldiers voice next to me but I knew he was trying to communicate because he was taping my arm in a type of pattern but I don't know Morse code or anything like that it was a lost cause.

When I regained consciousness in the hospital they told me I had severe sleep apnea, sleep paralysis, and an enlarged heart so they said I had to be discharged. To this day I have visions of what will happen maybe 3yrs sometimes 3weeks in advance of it happening and it freaks out my family but it always is a time frame away of 3. I'm assuming it's the effects of having something activated mentally by the Delphi program.  I know what will happen but who will believe a guy talking about a asteroid, a rogue planet, demons posing as aliens, aliens afraid to help due to the real aliens we have here, an army of clones who all share the same consciousness being control by one spirit.

The one thing I can't see that is blocked is the return date of Jesus or the arrivals of the Antichrist.  Any time I search for the dates or times I go black. But I can see the aftermath. The Antichrist seems to be able to activate the negative side of people by giving them thoughts but he seems to be able to talk straight into peoples minds literally like the guy from xmen exept he can physically make u do something. Jesus is a lot more than described one difference is the height of maybe 30 feet tall upon his entrance and bright so bright u cannot know his race like light. The scariest thing to me is learning our sun is cold and the heat we feel is steaming from underground 

Al Lenore
7 hours ago
Saint Louis, Missouri, North County - Ferguson. Between New Halls Ferry, I-270 and West Florissant. About 9-11 years ago. I'd have to research.

Al Lenore
7 hours ago
Chipping and able to hijack pineal glands, is what I can figure out.

Al Lenore
7 hours ago
Donell Ellison - Thumbs up. Did you see the ugly lady in the lab coat with the German accent? I was treated like a diplomat on some craft with a giant plasma screen, made of blue plasmic water. I also saw the earth from out of space. It is the EXACT same view that is on BPEarthWatch channel background header image. They wanted me to make a decision to get onboard with what I believed was a lie. I don't know what it was but I rejected it. Now I am deathly afraid of heights, large statues and large old buildings, for no reason whatsoever.

5 hours ago
+Al Lenore
rejection of their offer plays a very big part for some reason. it's almost like they NEED permission from you when dealing with your mind.  I think the ones who went through total torture and cloning said yes. they make things appear really calming to trick u into accepting their offer.  if you reject them u will immediately see their true identity and it is viscous and aggressive. I believe they are building some type of system around our planet to treat earth like a prison. I couldn't see this but I kept getting flashes of earth with like some sort of spider web type wireless system around it. I think they where connected to earths lay lines. I think this is a defense system against the good aliens,  angels, and whatever other species that might try to help humanity. I planet at this moment is home to bad ETs only



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