Friday, May 31, 2019

A Chat with the Male and the Female

I wrote this a few years ago, posted it on my Facebook page, which I no longer use. Found a copy of it today, figured I'd repost it here. The male and female look Nordic in my mind's eye. I asked many times for names, species, any identifier. I never get any additional info, beyond what we talk about. So, I just call them The Male and The Female. They seem to prefer it that way. Make of it what you will...


I sit frustrated in the library, my head on the desk, my hands cupping my forehead. I think to myself..

I’m not sure how to handle this issue.


This is a random pic I pulled off the internet. It
approximates what the male looked like in my mind's
eye. He and the female wore long coats, with long
sleeves, that seemed like a uniform. He had a more
protective, warrior vibe about him. It grieved him
to see humanity manipulated so.
Suddenly, a male being appears in my mind’s eye, someone I’ve seen before during moments of distress in the past. I don’t request his presence, yet he often appears. Now, he pops up again, and suggests…  

Use your “tools,” as is said in your mental health wellness programs there, hehe.
Still troubled, I say: 

I am finding this difficult, it's too distracting, the issues.  Any suggestions?  Which tools, for example?

He assumes a more serious demeanor, and says:   
You CAN answer this question. Imagine that each tool of healing you know of is represented by, say, a symbol of your choosing.

Place all these symbols on a table, then get back with us afterward.

OK, I say, glad to at least be working toward some sort of solution.

What seemed like seconds in our world, were at lease a couple hours in the place where I met the male in my mind.  During those hours, I meditated, then created objects from my own thoughts, and placed them on a table, also created from my thoughts. Proudly, I announce…

I've assembled the symbols. 

The male reappears, thoughtfully regards each of my symbols on the table, then, turns and looks at me curiously for a moment, asking…  

And what would YOU…like to do…with these? 

Suddenly, I feel confident, a great deal of energy welling up inside me, I’m not sure from where. I no longer feel lost, with a need to ask more questions. Now, many answers start tumbling down from my own consciousness as I quickly say…

Well, I would like to see a single sigil, which unifies all the symbols, to serve as a kind of spiritual software program, that of my own making, that of my own healing.  I'd like to adhere the sigil to my heart chakra or solar plexus chakra, thereabouts somewhere, perhaps drawing it energetically so it stays in my biofield as a kind of compass, a perpetual spell, if you will...both steering me to that which I need, and simultaneously guiding things to me that I need as well, that they automatically come my way. 
I pause, somewhat stunned at what I just said, thinking, “Where’d that come from?  Did I just say that?"

The male calmly regards my answer for a few moments, then seats himself, and gestures with an open palm..

Go on.

I look down and struggle to think of ways to combine the symbols. I create different combinations, then dissemble them, then create others and dissemble them, etc. Suddenly, a visual floods my mind: art supplies like paintbrushes, pencils, etc. I sense the male helped me, but wanted to clarify, so I ask…

You mean, an artwork? 
The male then says, quite seriously…

All roads lead back to the road of your purpose here, _____________________, your gift, your destiny…that is, if you want them is always a choice.  You are free to veer from that road, or travel that road.


This actress from TV show dressed as Nordic alien approximates
the being I spoke to telepathically in my mind's eye. Her energy
contrasted from the male's in that she seemed to see "within"
humans, past all the layers, and could see the evocation of our
beauty, that it was important that we saw that within one another. 
The female then approaches serenely and asks us telepathically… 

And may I add an additional thought on this matter?

By all means, please do, I say telepathically.

Well, as we've demonstrated here with you, this process of self-healing, the same could be done, by the good people of Terra, collectively, in a self-initiated way. 

Each nation, each people, could bring their BEST IDEAS forward, at a table of mutual respect and open discussion. For they have lived many years here, have developed many ways of coping and getting along, ways to induce fairness and a good quality of life for themselves.  

No one
[that is, no “savior” alien race] needs to do this for you all.  You all have, over time, crafted and time-tested your own solutions. 

Referring to a draft blog post I had written earlier that day, she adds…] You wrote today about the concept of "definitions," how the Terran idea of "self" differs so greatly from that of the Draconian idea of Terran worth…and thus we see The [proverbial “New World Order”] Agenda on this planet, as it looks now, based on this idea which is not Terran in origin.

I think of milabs and other abuses of humans, and then feel deeply troubled at the thought of it, as though I am about to cry. Sensing this, the female smiles consolingly, as if to say, “don’t cry,” and emphasizes…

…but they are, after all, only IDEAS.  And ideas can be changed, can they not?

This is the challenge you have before you Terrans.  To what extent will you hold onto ideas and behaviors that destroy you?  To what extent will you cultivate your own ideas about you and your world, ideas in your best interest?  How will you define yourselves for yourselves, as one people, so that you could sit at the proverbial grown ups table, as a single, solitary people?…

She thinks of our collective beauty and strengths.  She touches my cheek as she says…

...a people, might I remind you, of great variety and creativity, and other such lovely things…

…and a bright energy fills me as colorful montage quickly flashes through my mind; I see a kaleidoscope of ancient and contemporary cultures, a blur of faces, clothing, buildings. There are snippets of music, smells of foods, historic orators speaking before large crowds.

I feel my dread and sadness beginning to subside, and I begin to feel inspired and proud to be human. But just as I begin to feel this, the montage slowly fades away.

I am startled by the male, who now is filled with righteous anger, and hits the table with his palm, saying... 

The greatest violence done to you all here seems to be the telling of the lie of you all being so much less than you are!  That is the greatest crime done against you here!  All others pale in comparison to this one! 

He then composes himself, and in a quiet, somewhat broken-hearted tone of concern, he says…

Will you see and embrace the truth about yourselves…in time?  Or will you continue to pattern your thoughts, behaviors, your entire world, after an imposed definition of who you aren’t, and let that interpretation rule you?

This is such an important question at this time.  So important. 

There is a silence. Then, as I look at them, they slowly withdraw their presence, and fade into transparency. I could hear the echo of their thoughts, as it repeats several times…

And what will you do, people of Terra?  What will be your choice?

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