Wednesday, October 9, 2019

YouTube Soft-Censoring My Posts Yet Again...

...meaning, I could read my posts when I'm signed in to YouTube. When I sign out, poof, post is unreadable. So it seems that, basically, I'm the only one who could read my own posts, lol. I wonder if the original posters could read my responses to their comments.

That's actually the original reason I started this blog in the first place, just as a repository where I could park my (censored) posts. Later, I added other material, as it occurred to me to do so. Then I started getting really censored out of other social media (FaceBook, etc.). Gee, I must be somethin' special, what with all this censoring. Anyway, for what it's worth, I am posting screen shots here of recent posts...that you probably can't see.

These are responses I posted in the comments section of Kerry Cassidy's latest Mark Richards interview video:

I placed four or five "tester" posts in this chatroom, as we awaited the start of this show. They showed as I posted them. Then, after I refreshed the page, this is how it looked, as though I didn't make a single post: